spanish flu philadelphia vs st louis

Minneapolis and St. Paul took very different approaches to the last pandemic, the so-called 'Spanish Flu' of 1918, and the politics and policies that played out then parallel the current . The flu arrived as a great war raged in Europe, a conflict that would leave about 20 million people dead over . Spanish Flu Epidemic: How (and How Not) to Battle Flu: A ... By the time the pandemic ended, an estimated 20 million to 50 million people were . In Spain alone 80% of the population was affected. 2 cities handled this health crisis different. The results ... That's not to say that St. Louis . The Spanish flu was nothing to mess . Philadelphia Parade Worsens Spanish Flu Outbreak - HISTORY The 1918 Parade That Spread Death in Philadelphia - JSTOR ... "Influenza of 1918 (Spanish Flu) and the U.S. Navy" The Navy Department Library. St. Louis, Missouri and the 1918-1919 Influenza Epidemic ... When The 1918 Deadly Spanish Flu Hit, St. Louis Shut Down ... In the waning days of September 1918, Dr. Max C. Starkloff, Health Commissioner for the city of St. Louis, actively monitored the news from Boston - at the center of the nation's influenza epidemic - and watched the contagion as it spread westward. Officials in St. Louis introduced a broad series of public health measures to contain the flu within two days of the first reported cases. The "Spanish" flu of 1918 was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. Philly vs. St. Louis and how they handled the Spanish Flu in 1918 has become a shorthand in epidemiology and a lesson in the merits of social distanci. The false parallels of the 1918 Spanish flu - American Thinker In the fall of 1918, Philadelphia newspapers announced that a new virus had arrived in the city, the so-called "Spanish flu." But the facts and scope were muddy and uncertain, and the city decided to push forward with a highly-anticipated parade. The disease was called "Spanish flu," and one national public-health leader said . The Flu in Philadelphia | American Experience | Official ... In the United States, the hardest-hit city was Philadelphia, where the spread of the disease was spurred by what was meant to be a joyous event: a parade. The Red Cross motor corps recruited volunteer drivers and automobiles to supplement ambulances and chauffeur nurses from one quarantined house to the next. Bird flu, avian flu, the H5N1 virus. 2 (March-April 2001): 16-20. Philadelphia's population in 1918 was 1.8 million. The social distancing precautions had a positive effect, as excess deaths in St. Louis were 347 per 100,000 people -- less than half the rate of Philadelphia. Minneapolis and St. Paul took very different approaches to the last pandemic, the so-called 'Spanish Flu' of 1918, and the politics and policies that played out then parallel the current . During the 1918 pandemic known as the 'Spanish flu,' two American cities - Philadelphia and St. Louis - had vastly different approaches to the disease. In fact, the Philadelphia Bureau of Public Health had issued a bulletin about the so-called Spanish influenza as early as July 1918. On September 28, 1918, a Liberty Loan parade in Philadelphia prompts a huge outbreak of Spanish flu in the city. Death rate for every 100,000 people in Philadelphia and St. Louis between Sep 14, 1918 and Dec 28, 1918. Both St. Louis and Kansas City had higher rates of excess mortality than other areas of Missouri. Despite the prescience of some, Philadelphia's health and . Search only database of 8 mil and more summaries . 3/3. 23 of 35. As the world is in the middle of a vast coronavirus pandemic, it's worth remembering that the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic may have started in Kansas. About 1,000 died across the Lehigh Valley. St. Louis banned gatherings, closed . Of course, the Spanish flu was a much more violent illness than the coronavirus, where only 19% of those infected become severely ill. This 2007 NIH/Harvard study found that cities acting early with multiple interventions—quarantines, school closings, bans on public gatherings—had peak death rates 30-50% lower than those that did not 10. Among patients who died there of the flu were Clara Breunig of 2585 . St Louis and Philadelphia and the Spanish Flu Michael William Hughes Posted on March 10, 2020 by Michael Hughes April 30, 2020 How U.S. Cities Tried to Halt the Spread of the Spanish Flu In the late summer/early fall of 1918 the second wave of the Spanish flu arrived in the US. Back in 1918 when the Spanish flu was plaguing the entire country, Philadelphia and St. Louis had two different approaches to the disease, according to a 2007 paper in the Proceedings of the . "Philadelphia, Nurses, and the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918" Armstrong, James F. "Philadelphia, Nurses, and the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918." Navy Medicine 92, no. A different . The next month, more than 10,000 people in Philadelphia died from pandemic flu . March 3, 2020, 10:30 AM EST Everything old is new again. From the Spanish flu to coronavirus: Life-saving lessons from world's deadliest outbreaks. Countless more were left without parents, children, friends, and loved ones. Americans fought a similar battle against the Spanish flu epidemic, which claimed 675,000 Americans and between 50 million and 100 million lives around the world. Collected from the entire web and summarized to include only the most important parts of it. These social distancing tactics had a big effect on how the Spanish flu played out in the city, with research showing that St. Louis ended up with less than half the per-capita flu deaths of Philadelphia. According to The Morning Call, Philadelphia was late in implementing the kind of steps used by other major cities, including St. Louis, to slow spread of the Spanish flu. Reporters compared the decision of the authorities of the two cities in the United States during the pandemic of Spanish flu in 1918, and their consequences. A tale of two infected cities: How thousands died in Philadelphia from Spanish flu in 1918 after crowds lined the streets at a huge military parade - while St. Louis shut down and few lost their lives. 10. In the end, the death toll in St. Louis did not rise above 700, according to the CDC. Seeming to come from nowhere in the waning days of World War I, it spread through a war-ravaged world like . What flattening the curve actually looks like: During the Spanish Flu outbreak, Philadelphia held a parade while St. Louis cancelled public gatherings. Shortly after health measures were put in place in Philadelphia, a case popped up in St. Louis. A third wave occurred in the spring of 1919. "With the flu pandemic at its peak, St. Louis decided to cancel its parade, while Philadelphia chose to continue. In mid-September 1918, it arrived at the Philadelphia Navy Yard and sickened 600 sailors. There are exactly zero active investors alive today who have managed a retirement portfolio through a truly global pandemic. . Excess P&I mortality over 1913-1917 baseline in Philadelphia and St. Louis, September 8-December 28, 1918. PROGRAMMING ALERT: On Sunday, March 22 at 10 p.m. and on Monday, March 23 at 1 a.m. 6 minutes. The cities of St. Louis and Philadelphia provided object lessons in . Philadelphia (at the time the third largest city in America behind only New York and Chicago) downplayed the severity of the Spanish flu and went ahead with a World War I victory parade (really . written by Jody Chudley Friday, March 27, 2020. EVERYONE LIVED IN FEAR: During the height of the Spanish flu, which hit in three waves from 1918 to 1920, everyone lived . The Motor Corps of St. Louis chapter of the American Red Cross on ambulance duty during the influenza epidemic, October 1918. Also, despite the comparisons between St. Louis and Philadelphia, an analysis of flu mortality rates by the St. Louis Federal Reserve in 2007 reveals that pretty much all cities in the Midwest fared much better than their East Coast counterparts throughout the flu pandemics from 1915-1919. St. Louis, for example, canceled its parade while Philadelphia did not. . November 9, 2019. St. Louis' response to the Spanish flu is informing the battle against the novel coronavirus. The so-called Spanish flu killed the bulk of its victims in the fall of 1918. One of them was introduced strict quarantine, while the second held a mass parade… Originating abroad, the flu spread quickly in the U.S. among soldiers returning home from the WWI front. An entertaining excursion into the history. 19 The actual numbers of influenza cases undoubtedly were much higher, as many cases were not reported. Excess P&I mortality over 1913-1917 baseline in Philadelphia and St. Louis, September 8-December 28, 1918. A ward at the Mare Island Naval Hospital in California during the influenza epidemic, November 1918 Wikimedia Commons Editor's Note, March 17, 2020: This is an updated version of a story that . St. Louis Post-Dispatch. You should write in formal prose and provide proper citations. The Pennsylvania Gazette . Prioritizing politics over public health is a recipe for disaster. Two days later, the city shut down most public . Keeping people home . November 5, 2019. No breakdown is given on exactly what measures were taken by each city, the number of relative hospital beds, the general state of health in each city at the time. In a city of almost two million people, a half a million or more contracted influenza over the next six months. The Spanish flu infected one-third of the world's population and killed 50 million or more worldwide. Substitute Spanish flu for coronavirus, 1918 for 2020, and the headlines look familiar. St Louis put strong social distancing rules in place early. St. Louis reported 31,693 influenza cases and 2,883 deaths. The pandemic hit Philadelphia exceptionally hard after sailors, carrying the virus from Boston, arrived at the Philadelphia Navy Yard in early September 1918. Seattle seized by the Godzilla of modern pandemics. According to a 2007 analysis of Spanish flu death records, the peak mortality rate in St. Louis was only one-eighth of Philadelphia's death rate at its worst. When 200,000 people took to the streets of Philadelphia, the Spanish flu of 1918 found a foothold. Lessons From the Philadelphia Flu of 1918. "The contrast of mortality outcomes between Philadelphia and St. Louis is particularly striking," according to Richard Hatchett, Carter Mecher, and Marc Lipsitch, the authors of Public health interventions and epidemic intensity during the 1918 influenza pandemic. We've heard Governor Beshear talk about the Spanish flu and how St. Louis and Philadelphia . Starkloff's grandson, Max Starkloff, is co-founder of Paraquad, an independent . ET, Fox News will air . Equally as startling, over 16,000 perished during this period, with an . 'Spanish flu' 1918 vs Covid-19 . The influenza pandemic of 1918-19 killed between 50 and 100 million people around the world, more than died in the battles of World War I. Meanwhile, in St. Louis, where the parade had been cancelled, only about 700 people died of the flu. Ad How the Spanish flu hit Philadelphia. 100 years ago, Philadelphia chose a parade over social distancing during the 1918 Spanish flu - and paid a heavy price St. Louis succeeded but Philadelphia failed to limit deaths in the century . A hundred years ago, the Spanish flu pandemic reached St. Louis, but the city took action even ordering the closing of theaters and churches. Choose one community (a town or city) and, using the digitized newspapers found on the Chronicling America website of the Library of Congress, see how the influenza pandemic impacted […] Within two days of the quarantine, eight soldiers at Jefferson Barracks were dead, another eight residents died at St. Louis City Hospital and the number of area flu cases topped 1,150. In Kansas City, 11,431 cases of influenza and 1,724 deaths were reported. At the peak of the Philadelphia epidemic, 1,700 died on a single day. Question DescriptionSpanish Flu EssaySuggested length: 3-5 double-spaced pages. 1. In 1918, that's exactly what it did. Within 2 days of detecting active cases, St. Louis leaders had forced closure for schools, churches, and any public . Lessons In Lockdowns: Philadelphia Vs. St. Louis Amid The 1918 Spanish Flu As cities around the world try to contain the spread of the coronavirus, history offers a sobering lesson about the effectiveness of lockdowns and banning mass gatherings. Can be used as content for research and analysis. St. Louis handled this information very differently than Philadelphia. Overall, the pandemic is estimated to have infected about 25 percent of the U.S. population, or about 25 million people . In the waning days of September 1918, Dr. Max C. Starkloff, Health Commissioner for the city of St. Louis, actively monitored the news from Boston - at the center of the nation's influenza epidemic - and watched the contagion as it spread westward. The second wave, in the fall of 1918, was the largest by far in terms of total infections and deaths. In Philadelphia they delayed implementing social distancing. 1918 Historical Image Gallery. Advanced searches left . A tale of two cities: Social distancing and St. Louis, Philadelphia during the 1918 flu pandemic Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) The city suffered the highest per capita death rate in the nation, a fact that many historians blame on local leaders' reluctance to shut down the economy and a longstanding apathy toward the health of the general population. On the day the first case of the flu virus appeared at Eastern State—September 30, 1918—Warden Robert McKenty closed the penitentiary to outsiders. The flu can kill tens of millions of people. Philadelphia, New Orleans and Boston all used similar interventions, but they took longer to implement them, and as a result, peak mortality rates were higher. Data are derived from ref. Result: The peak mortality rate in St. Louis was only one-eighth of Philadelphia's. At first, the "Spanish Influenza" seemed like a distant concern for Philadelphians. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 4+ measures CEPID < 20 5+ measures CEPID < 30 schools closed CEPID<30 churches closed CEPID<30 theaters closed . St. Mary's Infirmary, at 1536 Papin Street, one of more than 50 hospitals in St. Louis at the time of the Spanish Flu epidemic. You should write in formal prose and provide proper citations. The 1918 flu killed 675,000 Americans; 50-100 million . Just look at Philadelphia in 1918, and the spread of the flu. Also, the flu hit St. Louis later than Philadelphia when the dangers were better known. We need to go back 100 years to the Spanish flu outbreak of 1918 to find an event similar to the one we are going through today. However, with American troops returning to the US from fighting in Europe, the illness soon appeared in Boston and Philadelphia before . Minimum number of newspaper sources: three. And Pittsburghers paid a high price. Minimum number of newspaper sources: three.Choose one community (a town or city) and, using the digitized newspapers found on the Chronicling America website of the Library of Congress, see how the influenza pandemic impacted the people living there. In 1918, Krusen wanted to prove he wasn't afraid, and 12,000 people died. In the end, the death toll in St. Louis did not rise above 700, according to the . St. Louis was only a third of that. Why was Philadelphia's death rate double that of St Louis during the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak? Whatever it's called, the possibility of a world-wide influenza pandemic is of concern for many countries around the globe, several of which have prepared national plans to deal with a flu pandemic.1 The World Bank estimates that a global flu pandemic would kill tens of millions of people and cost the world economy $800 billion . For more information on how St. Louis and Kansas City handled the Spanish flu differently, you can read more here. Philadelphia Liberty Loans Parade. Sidebar: Headlines from 1918. This was not the case in 1918, when the Spanish flu ravaged the region, state, nation and world. The Spanish flu pandemic came in three waves beginning in the spring of 1918. In St. Louis, where members of the American Red Cross removed victims of the 1918 Spanish flu from a house, a quarantine was instituted early. About 200,000 people showed up, and packed onto sidew… In the late summer/early fall of 1918 the second wave of the Spanish flu arrived in the US. . St. Louis was fast to act against the 1918 flu pandemic but lifted its social distancing measures too soon and suffered a second wave of death. Oct. 3, 2018 - Private Alfred A. Jost, stationed at Jefferson Barracks . : // '' > St city of almost two million people, a conflict that would about. 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